SPUG: Image::Magick runs from command line but not from IIS

Tim Maher tim at consultix-inc.com
Thu Dec 29 08:54:43 PST 2005


I don't know the solution to your problem, but you might want to
post the question to the Linux List too, where readers are likely
to be more knowledgeable about ImageMagick-related issues.

It's at: linux-list at ssc.com, and you can Google for the signup page.

|  Tim Maher, PhD  (206) 781-UNIX   (866) DOC-PERL  (866) DOC-UNIX  |
|  tim at ( Consultix-Inc, TeachMePerl, or TeachMeUnix ) dot Com    |
|  Watch for my upcoming book: "Minimal Perl for UNIX/Linux People" |
|  See MinimalPerl.com for details, ordering, and email-list signup |

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