[sf-perl] Perl Standards / Perl Best Practices

Bryan Beeley bryan at beeley.org
Tue Feb 23 17:07:19 PST 2010

I read through the Manual and Cookbook, but the syntax and concepts were 
different enough from standard Perl to make it hard to get my arms 
around.  I think my attempt at writing code from scratch using Moose 
made it hard to digest.

What finally got me over the hump was writing Catalyst and 
HTML::FormHandler based code that made use of the fact that both 
packages are now written in Moose.  Once I started to read Moose code 
and write code for Moose APIs, things started to click.  Now that I 
have, I would much rather write Moose code than standard OOP.


Jonathan Swartz wrote:
>> Quinn Weaver wrote:
>>> I swear by most of that book, but I swear *at* some of the modules
>>> Damian's written.  Class::Std in particular once really dorked me with
>>> its lack of thread safety.  Then I graduated to Object::InsideOut,
>>> and, finally (?), Moose.
>> I have some Class::Std code that I've been meaning to port to Moose, 
>> but have found the learning curve just steep-enough to discourage me 
>> thus far. Any recommendations?
> The basic Moose usage is pretty simple, I've always thought. Have you 
> checked out the cookbook:
>     http://search.cpan.org/~drolsky/Moose/lib/Moose/Cookbook.pod
> and the manual:
>     http://search.cpan.org/~drolsky/Moose-0.98/lib/Moose/Manual.pod
> What in particular did you get stuck on?
> Jon
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