[Pdx-pm] there's kwiki maintenance and then there's kwiki maintenance

benh ben.hengst at gmail.com
Sun Oct 16 02:23:14 PDT 2011

Great point: what features do we really need in a site. So ignoring
any specific platform details, what exactly are we looking for? For
this group, most of the conversation happens on the list, so there's
not a whole lot that the site needs to do, but here goes:

pdx.pm.org must:
- contain current && archived meeting announcements
- contain links to podcasts
- explain what the group is about
- explain who memebers of the group are
- explain how to join the mailing list
- explain where to find the mailing list archive

pdx.pm.org should be:
- simple to maintain
- open to the community
- spam-resistant
- using perl in some way (EW: if we don't, who will)
- able to post to calagator
- able to post to the mailing list
- able to post to #pdx.pm

Now there are many options to how to address all these features, kwiki
has proven it's self though it might also be overkill as we're not
looking to build a community on the site. Other then Eric and I, does
any one else want to chime in on what you expect from the site? what
features you would use if available? Anything else you want to
add/remove/edit from this list? or any other list for that matter?

On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 00:19, Eric Wilhelm <enobacon at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> The server recently moved to a new machine and possibly some of what
> used to work doesn't now.  Conveniently, this was right before the Sept
> meetings and I decided to dust-off the long-abandoned static frontpage
> when I didn't have time to mess with installing and configuring kwiki
> yet.
> I could take kwiki or leave it for this usage.  Apparently it manages to
> be installed without all of the necessary components and no way to
> verify your installation, which means you say "it works" about 30 times
> only to be proven wrong again and again as you install a few
> more "plugins".  Other than reinstalling it on a new server at short
> notice (which I think is not a popular use case), it doesn't cause much
> problem except for builtin access control.
> # from benh on Saturday 15 October 2011 22:47:
>>  - wiki's unstyled, should at least match the home page
> If that's possible, please do.
>>  - search is broken/not setup?
> Can't locate Kwiki/Search.pm in @INC -- can be fixed easily enough.  As
> I said, the reinstallation use-case is not optimized.
>>  - edit page fails (you can preview, you can't save.)
> On any page besides the main one?  The main page is locked at the
> filesystem (as it says.)
>>    - if this is just an attempt to prohibit bots-n-spam why not lean
>>on the already existing no annon edits?
> The requireusernametoedit plugin is on.  Bots make themselves a username
> and then hose the main page with spam.  Used ssh to chown the main page
> and thereifixedit!  No more spam.  That was at least a few years ago,
> IIRC.  Some tiny bit of access control builtin to kwiki would, of
> course, be very nice.
> As for dealing with stale content, that's the best part about a wiki!
> --Eric
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