[Pdx-pm] [csieh at fnal.gov: Re: Horribly Broken RHEL5/SL5 Perl]

Daniel Johnson teknotus at gmail.com
Tue Aug 26 10:53:41 PDT 2008

> Building a package out a local compile is a good idea, but
> replacing the system perl is not. Build a second perl for your
> own purposes and leave the system-supplied one completely alone.
> The reason for this is that (to the extent that they are tested
> at all!) the packages provided by the vendor are tested against
> the perl packaged by the vendor. Messing with it puts you on
> uncharted territory.

Well I guess I haven't ever replaced the actual system perl just the
modules.  But then I've considered Redhat/Fedora/CentOS broken to the
point of being barely useable since a short time after I started
seriously using Linux.

Still though as long as you don't break the package manager (which is
unfortunately too easy to do with RPM) you shouldn't have too much
trouble reverting to the system perl install in the off chance that a
clean perl install breaks something that you can't just fix with a
cpan install.

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