[Pdx-pm] Error opening a file.

charles radley cfrjlr at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 13 07:59:49 CDT 2002


I agree with your assessment.

In cases of bizarre behavior, I frequently break the
offending line into pieces to see if I can isolate the

In this case I would rewrite as follows:

$fullPath = "location/$area/$msg.xml";
print "\n$fullPath\n";
my $input = new IO::File ("< $fullPath");

Merlyn, try that and let us know what happens.


Charles F. Radley - CSQE

--- "Randal L. Schwartz" <merlyn at stonehenge.com>
> >>>>> "Russ" == Russ Johnson <russj at dimstar.net>
> writes:
> Russ> I have the following line in my script:
> Russ> 
my $input = new IO::File ("<

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