LPM: Module question

Matt Cashner sungo at brocksplace.com
Tue Jan 25 14:23:22 CST 2000

On Tue, 25 Jan 2000, David Hempy wrote:

> As such, I don't really want to save the .pm file over in perl/site/lib,
> far from the only code that actually uses it.  I tried saving it alongside
> the .pl programs in my cgi-bin directory use-ing it from there.  Works from
> the command line, but I get a server error via CGI.  I suspect this is some
> kind of PATH problem.

you can do a 
use lib './';

> ps.  As an aside...when I get a Server Error, I expect I've got a syntax
> error (and hence no Content-type), so I just run `perl -c myprog.pl` from
> the command line and fix the problem.  Today was the first time I've gotten
> a Server Error in the browser, but none from the command line.  I can run
> the whole program w/o errors at the console.  Is this a PATH issue?  Any
> idea how I can actually see the error?

print the content before even getting into the script via

BEGIN { print "Content-type:text/html\n\n"; }

then have your script print the error. also, your server's error logs
should contain the error as well, at least they do with apache. not sure
about ms products...

Matt Cashner
 sungo at earthling.net

"When people are free to do as they please, they usually imitate each other."

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