LPM: Module question

Joe Hourcle oneiros at dcr.net
Tue Jan 25 15:01:23 CST 2000

On Tue, 25 Jan 2000, David Hempy wrote:

> ps.  As an aside...when I get a Server Error, I expect I've got a syntax
> error (and hence no Content-type), so I just run `perl -c myprog.pl` from
> the command line and fix the problem.  Today was the first time I've gotten
> a Server Error in the browser, but none from the command line.  I can run
> the whole program w/o errors at the console.  Is this a PATH issue?  Any
> idea how I can actually see the error?

For seeing errors, the program cgiwrap comes in handy, as it has a 'debug'
mode which lets you see just what it's outputting.

(it's actually a security program, as it runs the scripts with the
permissions of the user, and checks to make sure that no scripts are
group/world writable, etc.)

you can find it at :


Joe Hourcle

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