<no subject>

Bill Jones bill at fccj.org
Wed Sep 22 08:22:03 CDT 1999

On the Jax.PM jacksonville-pm-list;
"Bill Jones" <bill at fccj.org> wrote -

> use CGI qw(:cgi);
> print header(), start_html("Hello world"), h1("Hello world");
> my $favorite = param("flavor");
> print p("your favorite flavor is $favorite");
> print end_html();

One question I have is "Did you install ActiveState Perl?"

ActiveState Perl has three different downloads, which installed in the wrong
order can cause this type of behavior.  You basically can correct it by
associating the CGI type with the Perl executable.

I am pretty sure that CGI scripts should be called somescriptname.cgi (you
know, with a CGI extension.)

ActiveState Perl, when installed wrong, can actually cause a big security
hole in your system.  I can write a script named deletedisks.pl and have you
access it from a WWW server, it will ask you to download or open, etc; when
you open it BANG bye bye disks...

Be very careful with Perl on Windows (of any version.)

-Sneex-  :]
eval join '', map { (split //, (' $().s/rlenJ2Ei;o"_MNP'
.'3Ot5{R}G*k,HILSTp1X\ab4cduvwhgA='))[$_] } split /\D+/,

The Jacksonville Perl Monger's Group is operated by -
Bill -Sneex- Jones ( sneex at usa.net ),
to whom send all praises, complaints, or comments...

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