[pm-h] Quick, helpful example scripts

G. Wade Johnson gwadej at anomaly.org
Wed Oct 23 07:40:42 PDT 2013

In my last message, I pointed out that I started using Perl in quick
little scripts that solved an annoying problem.

Here's one of those scripts that I have written and modified probably
hundreds of times over the years.


     s/old, bad text/new, shiny text/g;

Because I never keep them around for long, this would normally be
written to the file "doit.pl" and deleted after use.

To the more advanced Perl programmers: I realize there are easier ways
to do this. But, I can hand this to someone with little experience and
get them using (and changing) it in short order. Likewise, I would
normally do this with my editor in most circumstances, but hold that
thought for now.

This script would be run one of two ways:

  perl doit.pl file_to_change.txt


  perl -i.bak doit.pl file_to_change.txt

The first sends the changed version to standard out. I can then pipe it
to "less" or write it to a separate file to see if it has made the
changes I want.

When I'm happy with the changes, I'll run the second version when
changes the file "in place" (that's what the '-i' is for) and leaves
the original file with a ".bak" extension.

The really cool thing about this, if you haven't used it before is that
you can replace "file_to_change.txt" with any number of files and
modify them all in one pass. For example,

  perl -i.bak doit.pl *.txt

I have seen this script (with the search and replace text changed) save
people dozens of hours of work.

How does it work?

If you don't understand it immediately, here's a quick walk-through.


This line is a Perl magic incantation that says read each line from the
supplied file one at a time and execute the body of the loop on each


Start a block of commands to execute.

         s/old, bad text/new, shiny text/g;

Although regular expressions often get a reputation for being complex
and hard to understand. This is a good example of a really simple

Every place that the script finds the text "old, bad text", replace it
with "new, shiny text". If you need a special character in the search
text, put a '\' in front of it. If you need a '/' character in either
the search or the replace part, put a '\' in front of it.

The 'g' at the end means substitute every instance of "old, bad text" on
each line.


Print the modified line to the output.


Finish the block of commands to execute.

There are a few edge cases that this code won't handle. But, I have
found it to be more than adequate in the past. In one case, I happened
on a web developer at a previous job that needed to make about a dozen
changes like this to hundreds of files for a client's website. He
planned to stay at work all night to make this happen.

Including debugging mistakes in the search and replace strings, I
helped him completely finish this in a little over half an hour. More
importantly, he kept the script and used it in several cases later at
the same job.

One of the great things about this kind of script is it is pretty quick
to iterate through a series of changes. Don't make complicated s///
commands at first, just do the simple ones that make your life easier.

G. Wade
I never let schooling get in the way of my education. -- Mark Twain

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