[bcn-pm] Fwd: [Conferences] YAPC::EU::2009 Newsletter #2 - Date Confirmation, Call for Workshops, First Sponsors, Travel Tips and more

Enrique Nell blas.gordon a gmail.com
diu gen 11 16:17:04 PST 2009

From: "José Castro" <cogurov a gmail.com>
Date: January 8, 2009 6:55:48 PM GMT+01:00
To: "Discussion about YAPC conferences" <conferences a yapceurope.org>
Subject: [Conferences] YAPC::EU::2009 Newsletter #2 - Date
Confirmation, Call for Workshops, First Sponsors, Travel Tips and more
Reply-To: Discussion about YAPC conferences <conferences a yapceurope.org>
YAPC::EU::2009 Newsletter #2 - Date Confirmation, Call for Workshops,
First Sponsors, Travel Tips and more

Greetings, and welcome to the second YAPC::EU::2009 newsletter.

In this issue:
 - the confirmation of the dates
 - workshops
 - our first sponsors
 - the wiki starts to roll
 - travel tips and information
 - calling the press - media sponsors

Let's get down to it:

 - the confirmation of the dates

As many of you will have noticed, the dates have been officially
confirmed. It's now on paper, there's no way back.

August the 3rd to the 5th, 2009, we'll all be together at this great
Perl conference, listening to wonderful talks, learning a lot from
each others and having a lot of fun.

While we can't confirm it yet, chances are that the two days after the
conference will also include optional activities, namely training
sessions and a hackathon. We're starting to work on that, but keep in
mind that if you're interested in those, you might want to stay for
the two extra days.

 - Workshops

We're planning to have a room for workshops during the three days.

If there's a subject you'd like to give/attend a workshop on, let us know.

The workshops will probably run for half a day or a full day each.

More details as we get them.

 - First sponsors aboard

For this kind of event, where you can attend for such a small fee (we
know we haven't announced the registration fee yet, but it should be
below the 100€ mark), sponsors are very, very important, and that is
why we are so happy to announce the first sponsors on board.


SAPO, Portugal's major ISP and Web Search Engine, has agreed from day
1 to sponsor YAPC::EU::2009. In fact, it was in day -1. Before we even
sent the proposal to organize the conference, SAPO came forward with
their support, for which we're very much appreciated.


It's always a pleasure to have O'Reilly on board with YAPC, and this
year won't be any different. There will be books at the (silent)
auction and an O'Reilly stand in the hall will allow the attendees to
buy the books you're looking for.

       Active State

Active State will be supporting our conference once again. We already
know there will be some Active State licenses to be auctioned at the
event, so stay tuned for that.


The Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon has agreed to
sponsor us by cutting 25% off of the price of the venue. This makes an
enormous difference to the conference budget, and we're very happy
about it.


logicLAB, a Danish company, is also supporting us, and they are also
making a huge difference to the budget.


TAP is the official carrier for YAPC::EU::2009. This means attendees
flying to the conference with TAP can get discounts of 10% in economy
class, and of 20% in executive class. Yay. Details on the discounts in
the section "travel tips and information" in this newsletter (scroll

       $foo magazine

$foo magazine is the first of our media sponsors to join up. We'll
have a full size add on their next issue, and one of their reporters
should be at the event, after which we hope they'll have a story
published about it.

       o3 magazine

The Open Source Enterprise Magazine is also a media sponsor to our
event. We'll have a full size add on their next issue too. We don't
know yet if we'll have one of their reporters at the event, but we're
hoping we do.


Once again, Apress is sponsoring YAPC::EU, and there will also be some
Apress books on the auction.

 - the wiki starts to roll

And the Wiki has started to roll!

(Thank you, Barbie!)

Barbie has arranged the Wiki a bit, creating a bunch of pages that are
always needed.

You can, for instance, add you name to the travelling party from your
city (see Travel Teams, under
http://yapceurope2009.org/ye2009/wiki?node=HowToGetThere). For those
of you who don't know, being part of a travelling team doesn't mean
you all have to fly together. It simply means you all share part of
the itinerary, and thus, some of you may have relevant information for

 - some travel tips and information

TAP is the official carrier for YAPC::EU::2009. We're very happy about
it, as this will mean cheaper flight tickets for many of you.

The instruction on how to get the discounts TAP is offering us is
available at http://yapceurope2009.org/ye2009/tap.html.

 - calling the press - media sponsors

We're looking for more (and talking to some potential) media sponsors
(and regular sponsors too, of course), so if you know someone at a
tech magazine that can help us, let us know.

We're not only looking for Perl-related publications. We feel that
sysadmin/DBA/Open Source/etc magazines can be great places to
advertise the conference.

Media sponsors get their logo on our website, our public thanks, and a
free regular entry to the conference.

Feel free to contact us at organizers a yapceurope2009.org for anything
conference related.

See you at the next newsletter,

the organizers

In our next newsletter:

 - call for papers
 - more information on the venue
 - more travel tips and information
 - information on the partner's program
 - and more

José Castro
Conferences mailing list
Conferences a yapceurope.org

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