[bcn-pm] Pagina y Perl tiene 20 Años

José Luis Pérez Diez jluisaescomposlinux.org
Dma Des 18 00:29:56 PST 2007

Ayer estube con Carlos y quedamos en que se pondria en contacto con Alex para 
pasar el backup del viejo sitio.

Ademas  http://use.perl.org/article.pl?sid=07/12/17/2046212&from=rss:
On December 18, 1987, Larry Wall released Perl 1 to the public. That means 
today is the end of Perl's 20th year. On Perl's 16th birthday, Richard Clamp 
gave us Perl 1. Rumor has it that this birthday, Perl5Porters is giving us 
Perl 5.10, the best Perl 5 yet. The Windy City Perl Mongers are getting 
together for a birthday party at Miller's Pub (134 S Wabash Ave, Chicago) at 
6:30pm. Who else is hosting Perl birthday parties? Can we make it a 24 hour 
party rolling through all of the time zones?

¿Hacemos algo?

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