[bcn-pm] llista conferencies MJD

Xavier Noria fxn at hashref.com
Thu Jun 26 16:42:05 CDT 2003

A la trobada d'avui em quedat que fariem circular la llista de xerrades 
que MJD te a la seva pagina, es aquesta:

Paid Classes 
	Advanced Topics in Perl 
	CGI Programming with Perl 
	Hands-On Introduction to Perl 
	"How do I delete a line from a file?"  
	Intermediate Topics in Perl 
	Making Programs Faster  
	Object-Oriented Programming In Perl 
	Perl Program Repair Shop and Red Flags 
	Perl Regular Expression Mastery 
	Programing with Iterators and Generators 
	Stolen Secrets of the Wizards of the Ivory Tower 
	Tricks of the Wizards  
	Web Application Security 
Free Talks 
	Conference Presentation Judo 
	"Design Patterns" Aren't 
	Dirty Secrets of the Perl Regex Engine 
	File Locking Tricks and Traps 
	The Identity Function 
	Internals of Familiar Unix Commands 
	Internals of the ext2 Filesystem 
	Perl Contains the Lambda Calculus 
	The Perl Hardware Store 
	The Perl Hardware Store (DC.pm Version)  
	The Perl Hardware Store (NYLUG Version) 
	Quantitative Analysis of Memoization 
	Return To The Perl Hardware Store 
	Rx, the Perl Regular Expression Debugger 
	Strong Typing and Perl 
	System Programming in Perl 
	Using tie to Escape Feature Creep 

A http://perl.plover.com hi ha enllac,os a explicacions de cada xerrada, 
una estimacio de la durada, i tambe es poden veure les transparencies 
de les que son gratuites.

$_=q;Barcelona Perl Mongers;,$/=y~gaudi~~,;map$,+=(split//)*(-1)**$|++,

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