[Vlaanderen] handy development tools

Hendrik Van Belleghem Hendrik at LDL48.org
Wed Sep 6 02:29:55 PDT 2006

Another question thrown into the discussion:
which ubercool development tools do you use..besides things like perl, diff and patch ofcourse :)
I'm addicted to subversion.. trac fills the web front end gap and adds a wiki and ticket system. I've been looking into svk (but only because clkao made me). For an editor, I pretty much use anything that works (so emacs is right outta there.. since that's not really an editor but a lisp interpreter). I've been using perlcritic a bit in the last weeks or so (including the PBP book). I should use perltidy but I'm still not a zealot.
Eclipse is nice but IMHO a bit too much overhead
Anything I'm missing?
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