[Omaha.pm] Mtg last Thr, next mtg

Jay Hannah jay at jays.net
Sat Oct 23 11:43:11 CDT 2004

I didn't come up with an agenda for our monthly meeting last Thr, so 
didn't email out a reminder, but Ron showed up anyway. After many years 
of Java, he's recently been declared "the Perl guy" for his team at 
work, so he's brushing up his Perl skills he hasn't used in a while. 
(And he happens to work across the street from my office. Small town, 
Omaha. -grin-)

Ron and I walked through turning Perl code into packages and objects, 
and touched briefly on complex nested data structures, references, and 
CGI.pm, just for fun.

Next meeting: Thursday, November 18th 2004 @ 7pm


Below is the code we wrote during the meeting.

If anyone has anything they want to go over at the meetings, I'm all 
ears. Otherwise, I'm just winging it every month. -grin-



A tiny nested complex data structures example (de/referencing)

my %hash = (
    'a' => 'A',
    'b' => 'B',
    'c' => {
       blue => 'bluer',
       grey => 'gray',
       peach => [ 7,8,9,10 ]

my $ref = \%hash;

print "$$ref{c}{peach}[2]\n";
print "$ref->{c}->{peach}->[2]\n";
print "$ref->{c}{peach}->[2]\n";
print "$ref->{c}{peach}[2]\n";

Writing our talker object


use talker;

my $t = talker->new();
$t->dance("really fast");
print "..... middle name: ",
    $t->get_jaysmiddlename(), "\n";

package talker;

use vars qw( $AUTOLOAD );

sub new {
    my %self = (
       who_is_here => {
          # 'Jay' => 71273891,
          # 'Ron' => 12738917,
          # 'JayS' => 127893917,
       hello_count => 0,
       bye_count   => 0

    return bless \%self;

#sub get_hello_count {
#   my ($self) = @_;
#   return $self->{hello_count};
#sub get_bye_count {
#   my ($self) = @_;
#   return $self->{bye_count};

sub hello {
    my ($self, $who) = @_;
    $self->{who_is_here}->{$who} = time;
    print "Hello, $who!\n";

sub bye {
    my ($self, $who) = @_;
    delete %$self->{who_is_here}->{$who};
    print "Goodbye, $who!\n";

sub warn {
    my ($self, $who) = @_;
    print "WARNING: I've been told goodbye for user '$who'\n";

sub print_counts {
    my ($self) = @_;
    print "Hello: ",
       " Bye: ",

     my ($self, $arg1) = @_;

     my $name = $AUTOLOAD;
     $name =~ s/.*://;   # strip fully-qualified portion

     if ($name =~ /^get_(.*)/) {
        #print "get_$1? Well, I didn't program that, but OK...!\n";
        return $self->{$1};
     } elsif ($name =~ /^set_(.*)/) {
        #print "set_$1? Well, I didn't program that, but OK...!\n";
        $self->{$1} = $arg1;
        return 1;
     } else {
        print "YOU ENVOKED NON-EXISTANT METHOD $name!\n";


A tiny Date::Calc example (show method exporting)

[Jay-Hannahs-Computer:~/tmp3/tmp] jhannah% more run.pl

use Date::Calc qw( Today Add_Delta_Days );

my @date = Today();
my $cnt = 0;
while ($cnt < 10) {
    printf("%04d-%02d-%02d\n", @date);
    @date = Add_Delta_Days(@date, 1);

A tiny CGI demo....

[omaha at www omaha]$ more j2.pl

use CGI;

my $q = CGI->new();
my $blah = $q->param('blah');

    $q->h1("Ron's First CGI.pm CGI!"),
    "<h1>Jay likes manual HTML better</h1>",
    "Previous entry: $blah<p>\n",

if ($q->param('blah3')) {
    print "Yes sir! I will process blah3 immediately!<br>\n";

for (1..10) {
    print $q->textfield("blah$_"), "<br>\n";

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