[oak perl] The Nondeterministic Yodapproximator

Tony Monroe tony at nog.net
Fri Sep 12 11:08:17 CDT 2003

[Re-sending my reply to the entire list, instead of just Belden.
Stress, bad for the brain, you know.]

Meditate ye upon the words of Belden Lyman:
> c'mon, show us the code! At a guess:
> 	#fisher_yates shuffle is Cookbook recipe 4.17
> 	print join ' ', fisher_yates( split /([^'\w]+)/, $sentence ) ;
> Close? :)

I wrote this before I knew about the Perl Cookbook, so it uses a               
custom algorithm.  If the algorithm resembles Fisher-Yates, it's               
entirely coincidental.  And no, it doesn't use Parse::RecDescent.              
For those of you not at Tuesday's meeting, I sent this link out                
because I mentioned the script as part of how I learned Perl.                  
(Lesson 1: Stupid Text Tricks with Perl 4.)                                    
-- tony                                                                        

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