[oak perl] What Talk Subject?

David Fetter david at fetter.org
Wed Dec 4 00:29:09 CST 2002

On Tue, Dec 03, 2002 at 10:12:08PM -0800, George Woolley wrote:

> > I asked Dan Meriwether (see http://www.delux.com) if he would be
> > willing to give our group a talk.  He said he would be glad to and
> > suggested that he could talk on data munging (esp. HTML), writing
> > web agents with LWP, Object Oriented perl, or, if not off-topic,
> > defending a domain in a UDRP suit (http://www.delux.com/UDRP/) or
> > some other such.

> Personally, I'd be quite happy with any of the of above topics.
> Actually, with Dan I'd probably be OK with almost any topic.

> I said I'd get some feedback from our group.
> Based on limited knowledge of the people in our group my initial thoughts are:
> 1) data munging (esp. HTML) - not good with focus on HTML
>         because more than one person in our group is not interested in HTML.
>         but if focused elsewhere, might be a good topic.
> 2) writing agents with LWP - good topic
> 3) OO perl - good topic, but too broad
>         but when narrowing it, could be tricky to include everyone
>         maybe Using and Writing OO Modules would work    
> 4) defending a domain - not good
>         because, as he suggests, it's off-topic

Dave Fetter here--some of you know me from SF perl mongers, which I
helped found.

I'd say the whole "it's off-topic" thing is a bit overblown.  The
whole "there's more than one way to do it" spirit kinda implies that
we'd be working in things other than perl code like HTML, agents which
often talk to non-perl things like the standard web and ftp servers,
OO, which is originally a highly non-perl thing, domains, databases
(relational and others), etc., etc.  Perl is about doing what needs
doing and not getting hung up on the small sh^Htuff. :)

Any topic's good, keeping it loose and happy :)

Just my $.01 (that ^#%$&^^#$#@ job market's cut a lot of budgets
lately, y'know)

David Fetter david at fetter.org http://fetter.org/~shackle/
phone: +1 510 893 6100    cell: +1 415 235 3778

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