[LA.pm] contrasting London and LA

Mike MacKenzie mackenziemikebus at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 19 22:59:22 PDT 2006

--- Nicholas Clark <nick at ccl4.org> wrote:

> So, next question, how many recruiters/hiring managers on this list are
> looking to recruit smart juniors and mentor them up?

We (at Language Weaver) recently hired a 'junior programmer' -- pretty much
fresh out of college, and I've been mentoring him in Perl.  It turns out,
though, that I'm spending at least as much time helping him think through
design issues that are general in nature and not specific to Perl as I am
actually teaching him Perl.  He gets most of the Perl knowledge (though not
all) from books and looking at existing code.

Mike MacKenzie

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