problem with opening up huge sized file

Rick J pisium at
Mon Jan 22 14:01:19 CST 2001

Hi, Michael,

Your code and your error don't match.  Does
look more like this?
(The numbers to the left are line numbers.)

1:  #!/usr/bin/perl
3:  open (F, "file_path") or die("Can't open the
4:  while (<F>){
5:      do something;
6:  }

Sorry that I just skipped some new lines. Yes, the
error occurs at line3. As matter of fact, the same
error appears even without while loop, which means the
script only contains open sub.

Because of that, I guess at least perl's trying to
open up the file with open sub, and set the filehandle
position at first line? That's why at first I thought
perl tried to read in all the contents of that giant



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