Arrival Dinners in the Cloud

James E Keenan jkeenan at
Wed May 27 03:16:36 PDT 2020

On 5/26/20 11:34 PM, Todd Rinaldo wrote:
>> On May 22, 2020, at 11:35 AM, James E Keenan via yapc <yapc at> wrote:
>> Second of three posts:
>> An essential part of the meta-discussion on this list in past years has been the meta-high-point of any YAPC:  the Arrivals Dinner.
>> Originally and often organized by Uri -- and occasionally by me -- this was an event where we would march en masse from the conference hotel or location to a local restaurant for burgers and beer.
>> Of course, this being Perl, TIMTOWTDI prevailed; some would march en masse with autarch for a vegan fest at the Alt-Arrivals Dinner.  And some years things really got out of hand with an Alt-Alt-Arrivals Dinner.
>> Not possible this year.  But perhaps there are some amongst us foolhardy enough to organize Virtual Arrivals Dinners!
>> Now, I'm not proposing one Zoom thingee with 20, 30 or more participants like a Real Arrivals Dinner.  I'm proposing a set of Zoom (or other technology) meetings of smaller numbers -- dinner party-size, perhaps -- that could go on somewhat simultaneously and that would enable people to drop-in and chat.  The various elements of this set could be organized along thematic lines:  cuisine; choice of beer; native language.  Or they could be completely free and use global variables.
>> Such meetings would take place on the evening of Tuesday, June 23 -- where the value of "evening" is that of the person who actually does the work of getting the online meeting going.  If you're hosting such a dinner, you can choose how many people may be in attendance at any one time.  Perhaps you can host more than one seating.
>> Remember:  the meta-conference side of YAPC/TPC/CiC is entirely volunteer-run.  So if this sounds like a good idea and you want to make it happen, please step forward!
> I am happy to fire up 1 or more zoom sessions for the "arrival zoom" and of course the obligatory "anti-arrival zoom" if folks want to organize it. I think a hang out would be a good way to start things out!
> We would do this on Tuesday right? what time? I can put it on the schedule!

How about 7:00 pm EDT, 6:00 pm CDT.


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