Conference in Cloud and online meeting technology

James E Keenan jkeenan at
Tue May 26 04:57:50 PDT 2020

Third of three posts:

If you're like me, at this point in the pandemic you're reaching your 
breaking point with online meetings and online meetings technology. 
Alas, that's what we're stuck with for the Conference in the Cloud 

By now, some of us have experienced the joys and sorrows of *presenting* 
in online meetings.  I'd like to encourage some discussion of those 
experiences so that we can have a less painful experience during CiC 
next month.

Specifically, I want to talk about slides.

On #yapc, Todd has already mentioned that if you're presenting over Zoom 
and you're sharing slides from your laptop screen, the refresh rate of 
those slides is much slower than what you would normally desire.  Hence, 
you are advised to have fewer transitions among (or within) slides than 
you would if you were plugging your laptop into a conference-quality 
data projector.

Can other people confirm that that is good advice?  (I suspect this is 
not limited to Zoom.)

Also, slide layout and typography:  What have people found works best 
over Zoom?  My impression so far is that I can get away with my normal 
fonts in my slides -- but that if I go share my terminal, the font, font 
size and background color need to be chosen more carefully than usual.

What have people learned with respect to sharing your screen, both in 
slides and in terminal?

Thank you very much.
Jim Keenan

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