[tpm] ideas for talks

Shlomi Fish shlomif at shlomifish.org
Wed Mar 21 11:27:18 PDT 2012

Hi Olaf and all,

On Wed, 21 Mar 2012 13:43:28 -0400
Olaf Alders <olaf at vilerichard.com> wrote:

> I just wanted to throw out some ideas for talks over the coming months.
> First off, my YAPC talk has been accepted: http://act.yapcna.org/2012/talk/139  It's a 20 minute introduction to the MetaCPAN API.  The meeting in May would be a great time for me to test drive the talk.  April works too, if May is booked solid.  ;)
> Secondly, if anyone knows their way around tmux, I personally would benefit from some kind of demonstration on that. (No, I did not RTFM)

I would also appreciate an introduction to tmux, but I should note that I'm
not living in Toronto (I'm just subscribed to this mailing list). My problem
is that I'm not sure I understand tmux's program model and how buffers,
windows, sessions, viewports and whatever else it supports related to each
other, and how they are implemented behind the scenes. For example, I
recall that I once wanted to write the output captured by a shell's session's
history to a file, and had to research and execute several commands to do
so (successfully, IIRC), but I can no longer reproduce it.

So an introduction to tmux's program model and how to make your mental
model of tmux to match would be appreciated. I've been toying with the
idea of properly researching that and preparing a small article or E-book
about it, but I didn't get to it and would be happy if someone else with a
better understanding of tmux than I have will do it. 


	Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/
Funny Anti-Terrorism Story - http://shlom.in/enemy

*shlomif:* hack, hack, hack ; save ; make ; make test; commit. And start over.

*mrjink:*hack, hack, hack; save; make; swear; fix typos; save; make; make
test; swear some more; hack some more; save; make; make test; cheer; commit.

*meep:* hack, make, test, segfault, oh noes, revert to previous revision

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