[tpm] "Wide character in print" error

Madison Kelly linux at alteeve.com
Tue Sep 11 11:04:52 PDT 2007

Hi all,

   I've got another question, if I may... *shock!* :)

   I've got a program that prints to a browser. Simple enough so far. 
Some text comes from an XML file (via XML::Simple), and other text comes 
from a postgres database (set to UTF-8).

   So then; If I print to the browser normally, the unicode text coming 
from the pgsql db prints fine, but when unicode text from the XML file 
prints, I get the "Wide character in print" error, but it still prints 
okay. I don't want to "just live with it" though because this floods the 

   If I switch binmode on STDOUT to ':utf8' (binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";), 
then the text coming from the DB is double-encoded and looks garballed, 
but the data from the XML file looks fine and *doesn't* generate the 
"Wide character..." error.

   I've written a very stripped down script to test this:

-=] test.pl [=-

use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI qw(:sql_types);
use XML::Simple;

# Tell the program where to find the 'words' file.
my $file="./test.xml";

# Read in the words file.
my $word=XMLin($file);

my $dbh=DBI->connect("DBI:Pg:dbname=dbname", "user", "secret",
		RaiseError => 1,
		AutoCommit => 1
) || die "DBI connect error: $DBI::errstr\n";

binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";

# Print unicode data from the DB
my $query="SELECT usr_note FROM users WHERE usr_id=1";
my $DBreq=$dbh->prepare($query) || die "Error with query: [$query;], 
error: $DBI::errstr\n";
$DBreq->execute()  || die "Error with query: [$query;], error: 
my ($note)=$DBreq->fetchrow_array();
print "Note: [$note]\n";

# Print unicode data from the XML file
print "English : [$$word{lang}{en_CA}{key}{long_name}{content}]\n";
print "Japanese: [$$word{lang}{jp}{key}{long_name}{content}]\n";

-=] test.pl [=-

   Here is the XML file:

-=] test.xml [=-
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

	<lang name="en_CA">
		<key name="long_name">Canadian English</key>
		<key name="bar">FOO.</key>
	<lang name="jp">
		<key name="long_name">日本語</key>
		<key name="bar">FOO.</key>
-=] test.xml [=-

   And this is a copy of the DB encoding string and stripped down schema 
and data:

-=] PgSQL stuff [=-
SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';
SET check_function_bodies = false;
SET client_min_messages = warning;

     CACHE 1;

     usr_id integer DEFAULT nextval('usr_seq'::regclass) NOT NULL,
     usr_note text,

COPY users (usr_id, usr_note) FROM stdin;
1	Just some text but now with kanji; 私は名前ケッリです。 How is this 

-=] PgSQL stuff [=-

   When I run it with (line 21): # binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";

I get:

-=] With 'binmode' commented out [=-
-Note: [Just some text but now with kanji; 私は名前ケッリです。 How is 
this handled? And still again...]
English : [Canadian English]
Wide character in print at ./test.pl line 32.
Japanese: [日本語]
=] With 'binmode' commented out [=-

   And when I run it with (line 21): binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";

-=] With 'binmode' enabled [=-
Note: [Just some text but now with kanji; 私は名前ケッリです。 
How is this handled? And still again...]
English : [Canadian English]
Japanese: [日本語]
-=] With 'binmode' enabled [=-

   Any tips/help?


A desperate Madi :)

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