[sb.pm] When should we meet next?

Robert Rothenberg wlkngowl at i-2000.com
Wed Apr 7 10:55:54 CDT 2004

We still need to figure out *when* we want to meet, particularly as we near 
the end of the semester.  The last Wednesdays in April (21 and 28) are 
actually bad for me.  How's Tuesday April 27 or Thursday April 29?

Also, if you need help with a specific Perl question, why not post it to the list?


On 4/5/2004 11:01 AM Siddhartha Basu wrote:

> Here are some topic i can think of..
> * Working with databases. (both relational and dbm based).

DBI and DBM files (using tie?) are separate topics.  Which do people on the 
list prefer? I'm willing to do something on DBI, although I might not have 
time to get a presentation ready for the next meeting.

> * Object oriented perl programming introduction. (what i am trying to 
> learn right now).

That's quite a topic.  Have you tried Damien Conway's "Object Oriented Perl" 
book? It's an excellent book on object-oriented programming (in general, not 
just for Perl).

> * I/O with perl, working with files.

That's an easier topic to lecture about.

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