SPUG: Doc. bug on glob() in 3rd ed. Camel

Tim Maher tim at consultix-inc.com
Tue Jan 18 17:14:39 PST 2005

The 3rd ed. Camel, p. 727 on "glob" says [^abc] complements the
list (as in C-shell), but it is really ! that does that, as in
Bourne/Korn/Bash shells. And this documentation bug is not listed at
O'Reilly's errata page for this book.

There's a demonstration below; any comments/insights/disproofs?


$ ls 
!.!  ^.^  a.a  b.b  o.o

$ perl -wle '$,="\n"; print <*.*>'

# 3rd ed. Camel p.727 says circumflex is negater -- NOT!

$ perl -wle '$,="\n"; print <*.[^oa]>'

# It's really "!" that's the negater:

$ perl -wle '$,="\n"; print <*.[!oa]>'


Tested on Suse Linux 8.1 with Perl 5.8.0, and SunOs 9.0, with Perl 5.8.5,
issuing Perl commands from both C-shell and Bash shell.  All results same
as shown above.  I rest my case! 8-}

| Tim Maher, PhD     (206) 781-UNIX      (866) DOC-PERL     (866) DOC-UNIX |
| tim(AT)Consultix-Inc.Com  http://TeachMePerl.Com  http://TeachMeUnix.Com |
|      Watch for my upcoming book: "Minimal Perl for UNIX/Linux People"    |
| Classes:  2/14: Minimal Perl  2/15: Hashes & Arrays  2/16-18: Int. Perl  |

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