[San-Diego-pm] Quarterly Meeting on Tuesday, July 14th, 2020

Bob Kleemann rkleeman at energoncube.net
Tue Jul 14 13:45:55 PDT 2020

Perl Mongers,

Our quarterly meeting is tonight.  Because of the pesky disease that's been
spreading, we'll be gathering online.  The agenda for tonight is:  Normal
conversation and seeing how everyone is doing; if there are any questions
that need to be answered, we'll do that; followed by jumping into our
presentations.  We have at least three, though if anybody would like to
step up and add another to the mix, please let me know.

Meeting ID: 896 3919 9931
Link to the meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89639199931

The meeting password is the number you get when evaluating the following

    @n = 6 .. 9; $_ = $_ x 2 for @n[0,-1]; say @n[0,1,3,2];

This Perl should also work:

    srand(14); @n = 6 .. 9; $_ = $_ x 2 for @n[0,-1]; say sort
{rand()<=>rand()} @n;

And this should also work:

    srand(2); @n = 6 .. 9; $_ = $_ x 2 for @n[0,-1]; say reverse sort
{rand()<=>rand()} @n;

Other variations are left as exercises to the reader.

I'll look forward to seeing you all tonight!


On Tue, Jul 7, 2020 at 3:43 PM Bob Kleemann <rkleeman at energoncube.net>

> Hello San Diego Perl Mongers,
> This is just a quick reminder that it's almost time for our quarterly
> meeting.  As we did last time, we're going to meet online (because nobody
> wants to be getting, giving, or otherwise dealing with COVID-19).  The
> online details will be sent out early next week.
> We'll start the meeting at about 7 PM.  On the agenda for this meeting,
> we'll start with the normal chatter and questions, and then we'll go into
> at least two presentations: One on "What's new in Perl 5.32", and another
> on what I witnessed at The Perl and Raku Conference 2020.  If you have any
> presentations that you'd like included in the meeting, please let me know,
> and I'll be happy to include some time for them.
> I'm looking forward to seeing you all again, and having a great discussion.
> Bob
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