[San-Diego-pm] Captcha

Joel Fentin joel at fentin.com
Tue May 16 23:05:57 PDT 2006

It appears that copying Captcha.pm into my computer is not enough.
Apparrently Captcha comes with a lot of files.

Captcha.html says:
The module can be installed using the standard Perl procedure:

     perl Makefile.PL
     make test
     make install    # you need to be root

Windows users without a working ``make'' can get nmake from:


Here's what I did:

+download Captcha (Authen-Captcha-1.023.tar.gz)
+download nmake15.exe from microsoft
+run nmake15.exe to unzip its contents
+the unzipped content contains nmake.exe
+shell to DOS
+run nmake.exe Authen-Captcha-1.023.tar.gz
+get following message:
Authen-Captcha-1.023.tar.gz(1) : fatal error U1007: double quotation 
mark not allowed in name

I don't have a clue where I am, what I'm doing, or what I should be 
doing. Microsoft has a file called running nmake. It doesn't say if it 
works with .gz nor does it have any examples.

Joel Fentin       tel: 760-749-8863    FAX: 760-749-8864
Email me:         http://fentin.com/me/ContactMe.html
Biz Website:      http://fentin.com
Personal Website: http://fentin.com/me

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