[San-Diego-pm] Authen::Captcha

Joel Fentin joel at fentin.com
Sun May 14 12:26:37 PDT 2006

Douglas Wilson wrote:

> Kobes has an alternative ppm repository, and its search
> tells you if the module is in ActiveState's or another
> ppm repository. If it's not in any, they take requests.
> E.g.:
> http://cpan.uwinnipeg.ca/search?query=Authen%3A%3ACaptcha&mode=dist
> It doesn't seem to be in any ppm repository, but there's a link
> on that page to request it. The alternative is to copy the ".pm"
> file to the appropriate location (as suggested already) if the module
> doesn't require any compilation.

Thank you.

I was unaware of that. At this point, I think I have the correct 
Captcha.pm copied into subdir Authen which I created in site/lib. (Thank 
you Chris Hahn).

A dependency is GD which with your link above I was able to find and 
install. Now let's see if I can write code and get it working.

¡Oh the suspense!
Joel Fentin       tel: 760-749-8863    FAX: 760-749-8864
Email me:         http://fentin.com/me/ContactMe.html
Biz Website:      http://fentin.com
Personal Website: http://fentin.com/me

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