[San-Diego-pm] Authen::Captcha

Douglas Wilson dgwilson1 at cox.net
Sat May 13 19:58:16 PDT 2006

Joel Fentin wrote:
> I am attempting to install Authen::Captcha per the technique I have used 
> to install other modules. Search Authen-Captcha (& every variation I can 
> think of) won't find it and install Authen-Captcha won't install it. 
> Note the dash instead of double colon.

> +I type PPM

Kobes has an alternative ppm repository, and its search
tells you if the module is in ActiveState's or another
ppm repository. If it's not in any, they take requests.

It doesn't seem to be in any ppm repository, but there's a link
on that page to request it. The alternative is to copy the ".pm"
file to the appropriate location (as suggested already) if the module
doesn't require any compilation.


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