[San-Diego-pm] San Diego Perl Mongers at the Third Annual March Mingle

Bob Kleemann rkleeman at energoncube.net
Tue Feb 28 10:38:06 PST 2006

This has been a fun way to meet other programmers and profesionals in
previous years, so I'm planning on going this year.

----- Forwarded message from Cameron Childress <cameronc at mindspring.com> -----

Last year, SD PERL Mongers was among the 20 different San Diego 
User Groups which participated in the second annual March Mingle. About 
200 people attended the event and it was a great success, largely due 
to strong support from the participating User and Technology Interest 

Consider this an official invitation for the SD PERL Mongers to join us again at the
Third Annual March Mingle. Just like last year, the March Mingle is a
technology agnostic event that brings together developers of all kinds, a
sort of annual "Technology Woodstock" or "Ultimate Geek Happy Hour" for San
Diego. No sales or technical presentations, just talking shop and munching
on finger food while relaxing and enjoying the games and atmosphere.

Thanks to our sponsors, we will have a buffet of finger food and plenty of 
door prizes, including software and books.

Since your group participated last year, I've already listed your group as a
"participating group" on the new website.  If you'd like your group to
participate again this year, I just ask that you use whatever normal
announcement vehicles you employ for meeting announcements to let your
membership know about this event.  Ideally this would include a mention and
link on your Group's website and an announcement via email.  Feel free to
forward this entire email message to your membership, or adjust it to suit
your needs.  Also, please send me a note confirming that your group would 
like to participate.

When:       Wed, March 22nd, 5:30PM - 9:00PM
Where:      Dave and Busters (map @ marchmingle.com)
Cost:       Free Finger Food (Cash Bar)
RSVP/Info:  http://www.marchmingle.com
Sponsors:   Adobe (adobe.com)
             More on the way...

If you have any questions or comments, please call my cell, AIM or Email me!  

Hope to see your group there!

President, San Diego ColdFusion User Group

cell:  678.637.5072
aim:   cameroncf
email: cameronc at mindspring.com

----- End forwarded message -----

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