[San-Diego-pm] accents
Joel Fentin
joel at fentin.com
Thu Oct 28 16:19:34 CDT 2004
Chris Radcliff wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Just my $0.02: This list prides itself on having a good attitude toward
> questions; we're all champions of the idea that anyone can ask anything
> and receive a civil answer. Specifically, we avoid the kind of
> dismissive or hurtful comment that one would find when asking a newbie
> or "obvious" question on other lists.
> It's time to extend that courtesy to answers, as well. Tkil took the
> time and effort to lay out a detailed, thoughtful approach to Joel's
> problem, and it was dismissed rather rudely. If it was me, I'd think
> twice before answering any plea in the future, and that's probably not
> where we want this group to head.
> Cheers,
> ~chris
I don't intend rudeness and I certainly don't intend to do anything to
discourage people from answering my questions. I am very thankful for
the answers I get.
Tkil wrote:
>>>>>>"Joel" == Joel Fentin <joel at fentin.com> writes:
> Joel> From that point in your email onward, I stopped understanding.
> I suspect that you actually stopped reading, or stopped trying to
> understand.
To some extent, that is true. It seemed overwhelming.
1. I do not ask a question of this list unless I have been struggling
with an issue at least two hours. Usually much more. I try experiments
with my code, I look in my books, and on the web.
2. When I am stuck, there several other questions that arise:
A. Do I invent my way out of the problem, or find out if there is
already a mainstream way of solving this?
B. How much time do I spend educating myself on a specialty just to
see if I can even use that specialty?
C. Do I stop all forward motion on my project and in essence learn a
new specialty?
D. If I stop my project, and learn the new specialty, will I ever use
what I learn again? If not, I won't REALLY learn it. Not without daily
doses of it.
3. I am constantly learning new things. Sometimes my projects corner me
into learning them. Sometimes I pick an area of interest to me. And
sometimes I just glaze over.
4. We all have different ways of learning and of keeping our interest.
Mine tends to start with the application example and to learn the
underlying rules from it. Others do this In reverse.
My issue revolved around 12 conversions:
a = á
A = Á
e = é
E = É
i = í
I = Í
o = ó
O = Ó
u = ú
U = Ú
n = ñ
N = Ñ
1. Since I am not dealing with Portuguese or German, umlauts and left
leaning accents are not my issue.
2. The ideal solution would have been a modifier that does to accents
what the i modifier does to case. It doesn't seem to exist.
3. One solution someone sent me was to loop through a hash 12 (or 6)
times making substitutions. As simple as that sounds, I was quite slow
to grasp the concept.
4. Another suggested solution was very fell-swoop if the host will
install a Perl module. (They don't always.)
5. And one "solution" involved learning about ISO-8859-1, CP1252,
Unicode, Unicode::Normalize qw( NFD reorder ), and more. I confess, I
felt that if I went down that road, I would be a long time returning.
And perhaps returning with very little. It seemed overwhelming.
Much of what I am saying is that my own personal psychology comes into
play here.
Joel Fentin tel: 760-749-8863 FAX: 760-749-8864
Email me: http://fentin.com/me/ContactMe.html
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