Color Vs. No Color question

Tkil tkil-sdpm at
Tue Jun 17 12:57:14 CDT 2003

>>>>> "Joel" == Joel Fentin <joel at> writes:

Joel> Do I have to use html tags to retain color on all browsers?

No, you just need to use correct color tags (as someone else already
pointed out).

"DDDDDD" is *not* a valid color specification.  
"#DDDDDD" *is* a valid color specification.

The browsers try hard to do the right thing, but in this case, they're
defeated.  My guess is that, if Netscape sees a letter as the first
character of a color specification, it tries to look it up in the X
colors database -- because, if you change your code to use "00FF00"
(with no pound sign!) it *does* honor the color.

Just use "#DDDDDD", and it will maintain color in all browsers.
Because that's the standard.  Funny how that works, isn't it?

A small plea: unless you have a very good reason to set the background
color, please don't.  The web is not a printed page, and the rules of
printed text on reflective medium (e.g., "dark text on light is easier
to read") do not necessarily apply to a light-emitting medium.

Granted, I've mostly given up on this crusade, but oh well...


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