more RE: Polygons & Nodal Points...

schoon at schoon at
Wed Jul 25 15:22:27 CDT 2001

Thanks for all the ideas on this one.. It has kept my brain tied up for
a while! Caused major problems during the tutorials @ TPC5..... Had a
blast! I've actually thought of an easier way to determine if a point is
inside the polygon.... It looks like set theory to the rescue!! My idea
is to create a grid using the dimensions of the subelements as one set
of points. Then, using the vertices of the polygon as the second set,
determine which points are outside the polygon - IE simply not in the
union set of points.... Gotta check maperl, but it might be easier this
way.... Two more simple changes to current projects and I can spend some
time with the book....


>From: 	cabney[SMTP:cabney at]
>Sent: 	Wednesday, July 25, 2001 1:02 PM
>To: 	Mark Schoonover
>Cc: 	san-diego-pm-list at
>Subject: 	more RE: Polygons & Nodal Points...
>I can't leave this alone (I have a GD cgi script for visualization :-)
>Some refactoring of the in_poly subroutine...
>On Mon, 16 Jul 2001, cabney wrote:
>> ###
>> # is a point x,y inside a polygon defined by @poly?
>> sub in_poly
>> {
>> 	my ( $x, $y, @poly ) = @_;
>> 	my $c = 0;
>> 	my @ladder = slice ( $x, @poly );
>> 	while (@ladder)
>> 	{
>> 		my $rung = shift @ladder;
>> 		# special case: we're on the edge
>> 		if ( $y == $rung ) {
>> 			# trailing edge
>> 			$c++ unless $c % 2;
>> 		}
>> 		# we know we're on-edge/encompassed-by the polygon
>> 		last if ( $y <= $rung );
>> 		# odd is in, even is out (promote diversity!)
>> 		$c++;
>> 	}
>> 	return ($c % 2) ? "hit!" : "miss!";
>> }
># is a point x,y inside a polygon defined by @poly?
>sub in_poly
>	my ( $x, $y, @poly ) = @_;
>	my $c = 0;
>	my @ladder = slice ( $x, @poly );
>	while ( (my $rung) = shift @ladder )
>	{
>		last if ( $y <= $rung && ($c%2) );
>		$c++;
>	}
>	return ($c % 2) ? "hit!" : "miss!";
>Hmm, would I have to pay my employer for a negative line count in my
>productivity assessment?  Maybe I shoulda got it right the first time...
>Where can I get one of those buzzers Larry Wall was using to keep him
>on a given topic for a limited time?
>There was a time
>A wind that blew so young
>For this could be the biggest sky
>And I could have the faintest idea


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