OS2k1 tidbits

Todd Rockhold todd.rockhold at ontogen.com
Wed Jul 25 01:33:21 CDT 2001

OK.  Two things.

First:  Who has some good one-liners from the OS2k1 tutorials/events so far?
I heard a couple today.   During the Inline and C and C++ class Brian
Ingerson said that  "some of the diehard XS guys still aren't drinking the
Koolaid".  Later in the keynote Larry Wall (what - a good one-liner from
Larry Wall ???) said that "a cat is defined as an animal that's always on
the wrong side of the door".    Anyone have some others?

Second:  After the keynote tonight there was in impromptu San Diego Perl
Mongers meeting at Hooters in the gaslamp with none other than Merlyn.  Good
beer, good wings, good stories.  One item of note:  the litigation begun
several years ago while Randal was consulting at Intel is NOT a thing of the
past, but is still underway.  That came as a surprise to a few of us around
the table, and Randal mentioned that a lot of people who have heard about it
think that it is all over with.


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