Meeting on the 18th (*not the 25th*)

cabney cabney at
Thu Jul 12 14:49:11 CDT 2001

On Thu, 12 Jul 2001, Bob Kleemann wrote:

> Well, we had come up with two designs before.  I believe Anthony has
> volunteered to work both designs into something pretty for t-shirts.  If
> anyone else would like to try, the two designs nominated were

Just to muddle the works a bit...

Front left breast;


Back of Shirt:

	@SanDiego_PM =   map  { $_->[0] }
                     grep {
                              $_->[1] eq 'Sunny'
                              $_->[2] eq 'Open Source 2001 Conference'
                              $_->[3] eq 'Zoo'
                              $_->[4] eq 'Beaches'
                              $_->[4] eq any(@electricity)

                   } map  { [ $_, split /:/, $_ } @JAPH;

Um, it requires Quantum::Superpositions.
If I get a good response, I'll even fire up the GIMP ;)
How many colors?

There was a time
A wind that blew so young
For this could be the biggest sky
And I could have the faintest idea


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