Meeting on the 18th (*not the 25th*)

Florez, Nestor nestor.florez at
Thu Jul 12 11:55:35 CDT 2001

Well, is the decision is not made yet then, 
how about a Camel at the beach in sunny San diego 
and the letters "SD-Perlmonger" or just "SDPM".


Nestor :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: Todd Rockhold [mailto:todd.rockhold at]
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2001 8:35 PM
To: san-diego-pm-list at
Subject: RE: Meeting on the 18th (*not the 25th*)

I think some people wanted some Perl code on the shirt. We agreed on
something. Merlyn sugested  that perhaps there was too much code.  That's
the last I heard.  Maybe Merlyn scared everybody, even though he prefaced
his comments by saying that it's our shirt, so call.

A shirt without Perl code on it is OK by me.  Perl mongers know what JAPH
means, and who knows, maybe not having an explicit "San Diego" will make it
more attractive to visitors from out of town - wherever they live, they are
local Perl hackers, right?

If everybody wants code, I think Chris Radcliff's module is fine.

If for some reason everybody hates code now  maybe we could use a big
asterisk with one  typeglob in each of the asterisk's arms, or something.
But would that be out of date soon (I haven't been reading the Perl 6

But it's probably too late for yet another design review.


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