
C. Abney cabney at
Fri May 26 16:59:09 CDT 2000

Oh, ick.  To do this correctly is complicated, I think...

On Thu, 25 May 2000, Steve Meier wrote:

> 5/25/2000 17:28:37 HostA 2250.16 2136.20 0  0
> 5/25/2000 17:28:52 HostB 905.77 928.76 0  0
> 5/25/2000 17:29:11 HostC 3632.60 3300.78 0  0
> 5/25/2000 18:28:37 HostA 2250.16 2136.20 0  0
> 5/25/2000 18:28:52 HostB 905.77 928.76 0  0
> 5/25/2000 18:29:11 HostC 3632.60 3300.78 0  0

A schwartzian transform (named after its inventor, Tom Christiansen)
is what you need.)  Wish I could bang one out for you...

> So for instance, I want to select the most current lines (the last
> three).

can I just order them in descending order for date, ascending hostname,
and descending comm data?

> Split them into there respective variables $Date $Time $Host $ftpput
> $ftpget $pingloss $pingavg


> Then loop them through a table to display the results on a webpage.

#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# there must be better tweaks to this
# It's not tested code, and there's some baggage... I wish I could
# say it's a schwartzian transform, but... wtf is it??
# prolly don't need to sort on anything past the hostname...
while (<>)
        $line = $_;
        ($d,$t,$h,$p,$g,$l,$a) = split / +/,$line;
        ($m,$d,$y) = split '\/', $d;
        ($hr,$min,$s) = split ':', $t;
        $m = sprintf("%02d", $m);
        $d = sprintf("%02d", $d);
        $y = sprintf("%04d", $y);
        $t = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", $hr,$min,$s);
        @tmp = ($line,$m,$d,$y,$t,$h,$p,$g,$l,$a);
        push @elems, [@tmp];
@elems = sort {
            $b->[3] <=> $a->[3]
            $b->[1] <=> $a->[1]
            $b->[2] <=> $a->[2]
            $b->[4] cmp $a->[4]
        uc($a->[5]) cmp uc($b->[5])
            $b->[6] <=> $a->[6]
            $b->[7] <=> $a->[7]
            $b->[8] <=> $a->[8]
            $b->[9] <=> $a->[9]
        } @elems;
print "$_->[0]\n" for (@elems);

(0)[2218]$ ./1-sort_log.plx < data
5/25/2000 18:29:11 HostC 3632.60 3300.78 0  0
5/25/2000 18:28:52 HostB 905.77 928.76 0  0
5/25/2000 18:28:37 HostA 2250.16 2136.20 0  0
5/25/2000 17:29:11 HostC 3632.60 3300.78 0  0
5/25/2000 17:28:52 HostB 905.77 928.76 0  0
5/25/2000 17:28:37 HostA 2250.16 2136.20 0  0
(0)[2218]$ cat data
5/25/2000 17:28:37 HostA 2250.16 2136.20 0  0
5/25/2000 17:28:52 HostB 905.77 928.76 0  0
5/25/2000 17:29:11 HostC 3632.60 3300.78 0  0
5/25/2000 18:28:37 HostA 2250.16 2136.20 0  0
5/25/2000 18:28:52 HostB 905.77 928.76 0  0
5/25/2000 18:29:11 HostC 3632.60 3300.78 0  0

I'll let you work out the html formatting <g>

Einstein himself said that God doesn't roll dice. But he was wrong. And
in fact, anyone who has played role-playing games knows that God
probably had to roll quite a few dice to come up with a character like
Einstein.  -- Larry Wall                                     C. Abney


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