[Purdue-pm] Coming Events, Not Particularly Perlish

Dave Jacoby jacoby.david at gmail.com
Tue May 23 08:02:50 PDT 2017

+ Open Source Coffee & Chat - Sun, May 28 2-4pm at Fuel Coffee Shop
(And likely, for some time afterward, outside their door after they close)

The name hits it; developers, admins and users of Open Source software come
together over coffee and chat. Last month, only two of us RSVPd, so Ben
didn't reserve the table, and then a LOT of us showed up and the
conversation was great. So, please, if you have any expectation of showing
up, RSVP.

+ Software Stir - Tues, June 1 11:30am-1pm at the Anvil

This is a presentation of the Purdue Foundry, which is trying to grow a
software startup community in Greater Lafayette. Generally, Keith tries to
have one talk about a technological issue and one talk on software as a
business. In the past, there have been events around working with a remote
team, how Bitcoin works, and how the infrastructure of Alexa works and how
to integrate with it. I don't know what this month's talks will be on yet.


+ Cross-Platform Mobile Apps with NativeScript - Sat, June 3 2pm at MatchBox

NativeScript is a framework for creative native IOS and Android
applications using web technologies (HTML, CSS, Javascript)*


* I refuse to camel-case Javascript.

Dave Jacoby
jacoby.david at gmail.com

Computers let us make bad decisions at lightning speed and global scale.
 -- Brian Wisti
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