[Purdue-pm] Next Meeting, without the cake

Dave Jacoby jacoby.david at gmail.com
Tue Jan 19 14:12:46 PST 2016

(A previous attempt to send this was blocked because It included a picture
of the Perl 6 cake that Mark Senn brought to today's meeting. Picture is
available here: https://www.instagram.com/p/BAulklMhsNr/)

Thank you, Mark, for the cake celebrating the release of Perl 6 and for the
talk on it's details and shortcomings.

After the talk, Joe and I talked, and decided that we could both give
presentations in February. I have it scheduled for 6pm Feb 17 at MatchBox
Coworking Studio, and have asked Wally and Broc to reserve the room for us.

I intend to give the presentation I intended to give in January, on using
Twitter Favorites. Joe has been doing some work with RapidApp, a framework
built on Catalyst for creating web apps.

Again, this will be a Wednesday meeting that feeds into GLOSSY Food & Beer
& Chat at Lafayette Brewing Company. There WILL NOT be a January F&B&C
tomorrow, but if you decide to eat out there yourself, just don't expect to
see me. B)

Our March meeting takes place on March 15 or 16 (depending on if we do
MatchBox or Campus), which puts it firmly in the middle of Purdue's Spring
Break. If you have a perfect idea for a presentation that month, or
conversely, know you'll be out of town or otherwise engaged, please let us

David Jacoby     jacoby.david at gmail.com
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