[Purdue-pm] Purdue Perl Mongers meeting

Mark Senn mark at pier.ecn.purdue.edu
Tue Oct 21 04:21:50 PDT 2014

There is a meeting today (Tuesday, October 21, 2014) from 11:30--1:00pm
(chitchat is from 11:30--noon, official part of meeting starts at noon)
in WSLR 116.

I'll be bringing Cherry MX keyswitches (keys for computer keyboards)
to try out.  People often talk about Cherry MX keyswitches based on
what color they are---the colors are listed in parentheses.

linear               45 (red), 60 (black)
tactile              45 (brown), 55 (clear), 80 (gray)
tactile and clicky   50 (blue), 65 (white), 80 (green)

There will two of each type of keyswitch (with and without O-rings).
The O-rings make them quieter and a tiny bit mushier to the touch.

If no one else has any presentations I'd like to brainstorm with
the rest of the group regarding a proposal for a scalar feed operator
for Perl 6.


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