[Purdue-pm] Frameworks, was: Problem with she-bang and PERL5OPT

Rick Westerman westerman at purdue.edu
Fri Nov 21 07:42:53 PST 2014

We had a short informal discussion on frameworks at the last Mongers' meeting.  We can get anything we want installed on RCAC.  The 'use module' method works nicely.   However, basically, none of us have wanted (or had the time) to overcome the initial and often steep learning curve of a framework in order to save us (potentially) hassles in the future. 

----- Original Message -----
> Hash: SHA1
> While mod_perl is nice I think a lot of modern perl web devs have been
> moving away from it. I think mostly to decouple the apache/perl
> dependency (updating one requires doing something with the other).
> But, getting plack/psgi, nginx on RCAC might be difficult. Let alone
> Mojolicious, Dancer, Catalyst or the like.
> The down side of how far behind RHEL6 is. We haven't done much with
> RHEL7.
> joe
> Version: GnuPG v1
> iEYEARECAAYFAlRvS6oACgkQb0mzA2gRTpk0VACfRs0WXtn5WagMkMcUN6a721E1
> MbUAmwXy3gIPxkxl+13Y1p0YIZVRRY8g
> =cvE/
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Rick Westerman 
westerman at purdue.edu

Bioinformatics specialist at the Genomics Facility.
Phone: (765) 494-0505           FAX: (765) 496-7255
Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
625 Agriculture Mall Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2010
Physically located in room S049, WSLR building

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