[Purdue-pm] _Programming Perl_ fourth edition

Mark Senn mark at purdue.edu
Mon Feb 20 04:32:44 PST 2012

_Programming Perl_ (also known as the camel book because there is a camel
on the cover) ebook is out.  Printed version is estimated to be out later
this month.  It is advertised on
for $19.99 ebook, $54 pre-order physical book, buy 2 get 1 free,
free shipping on orders over $29.99, and 100% guarantee.  It covers
Perl 5.14 with  preview of features in the upcoming 5.16.

Would different people like to put their orders together to save money?

I have not checked if the Purdue Perl Mongers as a user group could get
a better deal than this.  I'll do that next.


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