[Purdue-pm] ebooks, online books

Mark Senn mark at purdue.edu
Wed Aug 25 08:31:26 PDT 2010

In the message "quoted" below is a low is a list of ebooks from
O'Reilly on sale for $9.99.

If you are at Purdue in West Lafayette (don't know about regional
campuses) you can read, for example, _Programming Collective
Intelligence_ by
    o  Going to http://www.lib.purdue.edu/
    o  Click "Catalog" tab.
    o  Change "Keyword Anywhere" to "Title (omit initial a, an, the...)".
    o  Search for "Programming Collective Intelligence".
    o  Click on title of the book that has "Call Number: Internet".
    o  Click on "Connect to this resource online".
If you get "Session Unavailable" it is probably because there
are too many at Purdue using the online service.  I'm going
to contact the library and encourage them to buy more service
in a few minutes.

To go the O'Reilly Media's Books Online and see what books are
    Go to http://proquestcombo.safaribooksonline.com/
    Click on "START USING SAFARI".
Often, I got a
    Session Unavailable message
    You are signed out.
    You are seeing this message due to one of the following conditions:
    1.  Your account supports only one concurrent session per user, and
        you have signed in a second time with the same credentials. Your
        second sign in attempt disables the first session, gives you a new
        session, and displays this message if you click in the browser
        window of your first session.
   2.   Your system as a limited number of sessions and there are currently
        no sessions available. You can try signing in again. You will
        succeed if a session is available.
   3.  Your system has a limited number of sessions, your session
       exceeded the timeout limit, and another user needed a session. You
       can try signing in again. You will succeed if a session is available.
   4.  Your system enforces a session timeout limit of 20 minutes and
       your session exceeded the timeout limit.
I'll complain about that to the library also.


>From: Marsee Henon <usergroups at oreilly.com>
>To: mark at purdue.edu
>Subject: UG News: 1 Day - $9.99 Exclusive - Top 10 "Ebook Deal of the Day" Geek Beach Reads
>Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2010 00:06:38 -0700
>View in browser: http://post.oreilly.com/rd/9z1zquiu9r72bvtr0ka8r4ib9d9gqo74uoimo9q8v7o
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>Programming Collective Intelligence
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>Was:  $31.99
>Now: $9.99
>Add to cart: http://post.oreilly.com/rd/9z1z4tn62m118h971oihgnf48jp5ohqhc4eb8n6i1lo
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