[Purdue-pm] Free Software Foundation credit card

Mark Senn mark at purdue.edu
Mon Oct 26 05:05:49 PDT 2009

Purdue Perl Mongers,

Thought you might be interested in this Free Software
Foundation credit card offer.

Checking I've done re is this offer legit:
    o  http://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/fsf-credit-card has info on card
    o  http://www.cardpartner.com/ appears professional
    o  http://www.fsf.org/about/staff/ lists Holmes Wilson


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>We're happy to announce a new way credit card users can give
>financial support to the FSF and our fight for software freedom:
>by using a credit card with the Free Software Foundation logo.
>* http://www.cardpartner.com/app/fsf
>(Please don't let the thought of supporting us encourage you
>to start using a credit card if you don't already, or discourage you
>from buying anonymously with big-brother-resistant cash.)
>Funds from our new Visa program will help support the mission of the
>FSF to preserve, protect and promote the freedom to use, study, copy,
>modify, and redistribute computer software, and to defend the rights
>of Free Software users.
>If you use a credit card, sign up for the Free Software Foundation
>Visa Platinum Rewards Card and support FSF with every purchase.
>There's a $50 donation to the FSF by the bank when you first use the
>card, plus ongoing contributions of 30 basis points or .3% of retail
>transactions. US residents only.
>The current FSF credit card has the "floating gnu" on it.
>We're looking to offer other card designs, designs that reflect, in
>some visual way, the activist spirit of the FSF and its supporters.
>Specifically, we need photos and artwork. They can be original, or
>links to public domain images on the net. By sending the image, you
>also agree to make it available as CC-BY. If we choose your image for
>the cards, we'll send you the t-shirt of your choice from the FSF
>Send them as GIF, JPG, or PNG, in the best quality you can manage, to
>holmes at fsf.org.
>If the image is from the web, send a link, with a link to the license
>info. Note: If you send artwork, don't include any text. We know
>that's annoying, but it complicates things for a few reasons. Also,
>I won't be able to get back to all of you individually, so thanks in
>advance for your help, and good luck!
>info-fsf mailing list
>info-fsf at gnu.org
>Unsubscribe: http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/info-fsf

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