[Purdue-pm] 5.10 SmackDown tonight!

Rick Westerman westerman at purdue.edu
Tue Jan 8 11:18:53 PST 2008

    Unbeknown to me, Dave stole the subject of my talk tonight.   Or was 
did I steal from him?  :-)   In any case it has turned ugly.  So 
tonight, Tuesday Jan. 8 at 5:30 PM in ME 119 we are having the first 
(and last) Perl 5.10 SmackDown!

     In one corner will be Dave "The Bruiser" Jacoby featuring his talk 
"Be smart about switching" while in the other corner Rick "The Crusher" 
Westerman bellies up to bar with "The switch statement: syntactic sugar 
overload. The mechanism behind the switch statement: syntactic sugar 

      Expect the competition to be brutal as each contestant tries to 
out-geek the other.   Scorecards will be given to audience members so 
that each presentation can be rated.  While audience participation in 
encouraged, please, no tomatoes -- I have to do my own laundry.  :-(

      Also featured with be a relatively calm -- but probably more 
informative -- talk by Mark on "Perl 5.10.0 grep performance".

Rick Westerman westerman at purdue.edu Bioinformatics specialist at the 
Genomics Facility. Phone: (765) 494-0505 FAX: (765) 496-7255 Department 
of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture 625 Agriculture Mall Drive 
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2010 Physically located in room S049, WSLR 

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