[Purdue-pm] Perl Mongers tech meeting tonight, Oct. 9th

Rick Westerman westerman at purdue.edu
Tue Oct 9 09:35:59 PDT 2007

Budzik, Michael J. wrote:
> A while back, if I’m not crazy (no guarantee), there was a brief 
> discussion of recording or otherwise making presentations or 
> presentation materials available online. Because of other 
> responsibilities, I’ve not been able to attend despite being 
> interested. If I’m the only one who would view the materials online, 
> then it isn’t worth the effort required to make them available. But if 
> they were made available, I would view them.
I don't think that you are the only one with this desire. However we do 
not have a consistent way to put the seminars up on the web site -- 
http://pm.purdue.org/Wiki/wiki.pl/PastMeetings. To a large extent this 
relies on the presenter. Some people do the uploading on a regular 
basis, notable Dave and Mark. Others of us slack off a lot. :-(

Rick Westerman 
westerman at purdue.edu

Bioinformatics specialist at the Genomics Facility.
Phone: (765) 494-0505           FAX: (765) 496-7255
Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
625 Agriculture Mall Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2010
Physically located in room S049, WSLR building

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