anyone want to review this book?
Mark Senn
mds at
Wed May 15 12:41:25 CDT 2002
Purdue Perl Mongers,
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Date: Wed, 15 May 2002 13:20:48 -0400
From: Helen Trimes <hetr at>
Subject: Manning Releases Web Development with Apache and Perl
To: Mark Senn <mds at>
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Attention Members --- Manning Publications announces the release
Web Development with Apache and Perl
By Theo Petersen
To learn more about this book and find out how to get a free copy for your
group, please read ...
Greenwich, Connecticut, May 2002 -- Web Development with Apache and Perl
teaches web developers how to easily build a site with features like message
forums, chat, session management, custom preferences and other features.
More than a programming book, it covers a wide spectrum of practical issues
and how to handle them such as when to use a database, what information
needs to be secure (and how to secure it), and how to keep traffic from
crippling a website. It teaches the empowering use of ready-made modules so
developers do not have to reinvent the wheel. It even teaches how to
successfully advocate the use of Open Source tools in the corporate
What's Inside Web Development with Apache and Perl
* CGI and mod_perl programming
* mod_ssl, mod_rewrite and other Apache modules
* Using DBI with databases
* HTML::Mason and Template Toolkit for embedded scripting
* User login and session management
* Performance and system monitoring tools
* Growth planning and disaster recovery
* Sample layouts for community, corporate and e-commerce sites.
About the Author
A web developer committed to Open Source tools, Theo Petersen has spent many
years collecting experiences from other developers and evaluating web
development languages, add-ons and techniques to create a best-of-breed
toolkit for web applications. This book is the result. Theo lives in Denver,
About Manning Publications Co.
Manning Publications Co. is a well respected, growing computer book
publisher with a reputation for high quality books written in a clear style.
For each of its books, Manning makes available to its readers online
discussion forums where they can pose questions to the authors. To get
access to the author of Web Development with Apache and Perl go to Here you will also find the book's table of
contents, sample chapters and other contents. This book is now available in
retail stores.
Manning's User Group Program
Manning supports the grassroots efforts of the User Group community. A goal
of Manning's User Group Program is to foster relationships with technical
communities that--in addition to meeting regularly--troubleshoot, write book
reviews, and share knowledge through newsletters or Web sites. Manning will
provide a free book for presentation at meetings, for group libraries or for
door prizes in exchange for a written published review.
If your group is willing to write and publish a review, please contact Helen
Trimes at hetr at Reviews should be published in print or online
within sixty days of receipt of the free book at your group's website, in a
newsletter, a newsgroup, at an online bookstore, or at another relevant
public forum. When requesting a free review copy, please include your plans
for posting the book review as well as your shipping address.
Web Development with Apache and Perl by Theo Petersen
ISBN 1930110-06-5
Softbound, 432 pages, $44.95
Ebook, 1.6 MB pdf, $13.50
Manning Publications Co. ~ 209 Bruce Park Avenue ~ Greenwich, CT 06830
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