[Phoenix-pm] Scott Walters

Erik Tank erik at jundy.com
Sun Jan 2 15:40:53 CST 2005

Sorry - couldn't resist

Douglas E. Miles wrote:
> Scott Walters wrote:
>> I'll have to Doug about that. And I'd also have to tone down my 
>> behavior (which I'm not eager to do). We'll see. By the way, if
>> anyone knows where Doug is, let me know. He seems to have been
>> sucked into a vortex. I even tried him at work. And people should
>> know that if I'm leaving them voice mails, I'm serious, because
>> I detest telephones and voice communication. Oh well. I'll
>> camp out in the street in front of his residence. But he's in
>> line behind someone else whose house I need to camp out
>> in front of.
> <SNIP>
> Hi all!
> I'm not dead, I'm just pining for the fjords!
Customer: PININ' for the FJORDS?!?!?!? What kind of talk is that?, look, 
why did he fall flat on his back the moment I got 'im home?
Owner: The Norwegian Doug prefers kippin' on it's back! Remarkable 
person, id'nit, squire? Lovely hair!
Customer: Look, I took the liberty of examining that programmer when I 
got him home, and I discovered the only reason that it had been sitting 
at his computer in the first place was that he had been NAILED there.

> I can do a meeting this week at Bowne if that works for everybody. 
> Scott, do you have something you want to present?  I'd be interested in 
> hearing about your experience writing your book.  If not, I can talk 
> about my CGI::Session replacement. Or both.  Maybe we can do an 
> alternating month thing - one month I'll have it at Bowne, the next 
> wherever you guys want.  Let me know.  I should be reachable most of 
> this week.  I've been on vacation for two weeks.  I'll get your messages 
> tomorrow. :)
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