job posting: Perl/Oracle/Solaris

David Sinck sinck at
Fri Aug 6 15:37:38 CDT 1999 is seeking multiple Perl programmers, particularly those
of intermediate or better experience and those with Oracle and Solaris
in particular.

If you feel you qualify please send your resume and a cover letter to
techjobs at .

If you feel you don't qualify, keep attending those Perl Mongers
meetings until you do.  :-)

If you mention that you were referred by me, I might get a bonus large
enough to cover taking us both to lunch.  :-)

Official Job Blurb to follow.


Internet Application Developer: PERL 
Job # 200 - jobs at


       Act as primary technical resource or on a team of people working on
       major web content development projects 
       Develop cutting edge applications for our website. Every application
       completed will be impacting the functionality, look and feel of our

Skills/Experience Required:

       2 years experience in PERL/CGI/HTML/SQL or 4 years experience
       6+ years computer experience (non-professional experience OK) 
       Demonstrable Ability (portfolio of work and code samples) a plus 
       Understanding of the Hispanic culture a plus 
       Strong work ethic and flexibility required in a fast-paced, rapidly
       changing environment 

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