[Pdx-pm] Fwd: Code Today: Outsource Yourself, iPad Potty Seat, and Old Skool Pop Q
ben.hengst at gmail.com
Fri Jan 18 16:08:06 PST 2013
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From: O'Reilly Media <oreilly at post.oreilly.com>
Date: Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 2:54 PM
Subject: Code Today: Outsource Yourself, iPad Potty Seat, and Old Skool Pop
To: ben.hengst at gmail.com
View in browser<http://post.oreilly.com/rd/9z1zissqhr861b5vijnuk5mskui8s2vjcpc2mtjfogo>.
[image: O'Reilly OSCON - Newsletter
The annual tech toy fest that is the *Consumer Electronics Show* is over,
leaving thousands of dazed revlers wondering how the world ever got along
without a iPad-connected potty
But amid all the hype and iPhone cases, do you think that there was
anything that really will make a difference? Are *phablet*s the next hot
mobile platform? Will ultra-HD displays make TV more real?
We wonder:* Did you hear of anything at CES that made you take notice?* Let
us know at code-newsletter at oreilly.com<code-newsletter at oreilly.com?subject=Code+Newsletter+-+Did+you+hear+of+anything+at+CES+that+made+you+take+notice?>.
We're glad to gift all respondents a free O'Reilly ebook of choice.
The Code newsletter team
OSCON 2013 Call for Speakers Is Open for OSCON 2013
[image: OSCON Images]<http://post.oreilly.com/rd/9z1z0omad7ors86npm8lej1bk5kcm8n7lsrtc1jbsjo>
We're looking for speakers to be part of the program for the 15th edition
of OSCON, happening July 22-26, 2013, in Portland, Oregon. If you have a
new idea, a better way to do something, an interesting and instructive case
study (battle scars optional), or the desire to pass on your hard-won
knowledge, submit a proposal to lead sessions or tutorials.
Find Out More
Open Dialog What the Open Source Community Is Talking About
A Broken Link
[image: Aaron Swartz]<http://post.oreilly.com/rd/9z1zut12tu52m8pqht35pe9jbs7g99p5rmcru9crap8>The
big story this week was the
RSS and Reddit wünderkind
*Aaron Swartz*, who apparently committed suicide amidst a controversial
federal prosecution for allegedly stealing research papers from a digital
repository at MIT. Swartz was a true prodigy, and a vocal advocate for open
access to research and government data. He is missed.
Open Source Datacenter
Facebook, Intel, and Rackspace were just a few of the computing giants
involved in unveiling more
*Open Compute* project. Standardizing data center hardware could help a lot
in terms of designing more efficient power and cooling to go with it.
Future Perfect
What are the essential skills that programmers need for the coming decade,
how should you focus your learning, and what are the short-term trends and
long-term shifts you should know about? These are just some of the
questions that O'Reilly's *Edd Dumbill* addresses as he begins a new
on the art and business of programming.
Through Google-Colored Glasses
Now that Google has announced their augmented reality glass project,
they're looking for a few good apps. If you want to try your chances, there
are upcoming SF and NYC
for the end of the month.
For Reals
[image: RedHat]<http://post.oreilly.com/rd/9z1zjmlkp3809b3j4p1tm6q00qrd3jt5n4su4njob0o>Yes,
Virginia, you can make money with open source. Because the *Harvard
Business Review* says
Pop! The Weekly Quiz Old-School Tagging
[image: Those Obnoxious
week's puzzler comes from the annals of history. Where can you find a
famous piece of graffiti that complains of the lack of bathroom facilities
at an inn?
Think you know? Write
code-newsletter at oreilly.com<code-newsletter at oreilly.com?subject=Code+Newsletter+-+Pop+Quiz+Old-School+Tagging&body=Where+can+you+find+a+famous+piece+of+graffiti+that+complains+of+the+lack+of+bathroom+facilities+at+an+inn?>with
your answer. The first correct respondent is welcome to choose a free
ebook from the O'Reilly catalog.
*LAST TIME*, *Taper Wickel *knew that you could find an assortment of
oddball characters in the anime series "Urusei Yatsura" (Those Obnoxious
Q's A'd The Interactive Bit
The Year That Was
[image: signpost]<http://post.oreilly.com/rd/9z1z6evi7uoumbtgr219muhrr7n83rs2t8m6a10b82g>Last
week, we asked for your 2012 highlights. As always, we regret that we can
only reprint a small sample of your responses here.
Let's begin with our favorite, care of *Jason Cameron*, who makes our day
by responding that he doesn't mean to be a suck-up, but that "OSCON was my
highlight of last year. Learning about open badges, SLC, and other advances
in edtech was awesome!" We love you, Jason.
"The world didn't end," observes *Rich McGee*, "and my company didn't force
us to switch to Windows 8!"
*Dewald Esterhuizen* merely became immortal last year. He reports: "I
changed completely from maintaining ultra high privacy online to completely
embracing social media. Within a short space of time I literally flooded
the internet with my true identity . . . . Once something/someone becomes
part of the internet it becomes virtually impossible to erase those online
references. I am part of the internet, I am therefore immortal. . . ."
The Olympics were *Jose's* favorite part of last year; *Nishant* "created
and successfully deployed an enterprise point of sale app for a major
fashion retailer in U.S."; *Moshe* welcomed a new grandbaby;
*Ntaskas*cites a "new, 4mm-thick 55-inch, OLED 3D HDTV that's thinner
than a
smartphone"; and *Dave* says that his highlight "was moving completely off
the Windows platform."
A fine year was had by all!
tail -f /dev/newsletter All Good Things Must End
Creative Outsourcing
Anyone doing software development in a large corporation knows the fear
that his o[image: Bar Code
her job may be outsourced to India or China. One enterprising developer
decided to be proactive, and outsource his job
By overnighting his SecureID token to a consulting firm in China, he was
able to keep 80% of his salary for himself, while sitting around all day
working on personal projects and surfing the web. Meanwhile, the Chinese
company churned out his code for him.
Alas, his scheme was foiled when corporate security noticed twice-daily VPN
connections from his computer to a network in China, but before he was
caught, he had managed to create a reputation as one of the best
programmers in the company.
All the story needs to be completely ironic would be to find out that the
Chinese company was outsourcing it back to an unemployed American
developer, but no such luck.
In this Issue:
- CES 411
- OSCON Call for Speakers
- Yes, Virginia
- Old-School Tagging
- The Year That Was
- Inter-Continental-Tele-Commuting
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<http://post.oreilly.com/rd/9z1z5hapgo6ldl1lblemip01csoumsuijrietpek3jo> So
you got a Raspberry Pi for the Holidays
Jan. 23, 10am PT
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<http://post.oreilly.com/rd/9z1z5b1vm4qq5bh273fo3stf9auobu7mnni1obtah2o> Five
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Mar. 6, 10am PT
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