[Pdx-pm] learn.perl.org rework (TPF grant)

Eric Wilhelm enobacon at gmail.com
Sun May 3 11:17:22 PDT 2009

Hi all,

I've put some effort into the design and CSS here and posted the first 
couple of tutorials:


Compared to the existing learn.perl.org, I completely killed most of 
the "news" items and I'm still pondering how to get linked back to the 
perldoc.perl.org (possibly sidebars from the tutorial and/or a "further 
reading" page of some sort.)

The books are definitely moving off of the front page.  Something should 
probably be done to link them back through more of the content 
(sidebar?) and maybe I'll use some cover thumbnails ala books.perl.org.

As navigation goes, that's still somewhat undecided.  I scrapped the 
combust scheme to get to this point, and shebangml has lots of nifty 
tools for includes and conditional links but I don't want to open all 
of the stops (on whatever toolkit) until I know that I'll be able to 
deploy with those features.  Anybody tried to get combust to run under 
e.g. HTTP::Server::Simple?

Anyhow, please feel free to insult my color choices or design.  Feedback 
on the tutorial content or layout is also welcome.  Anybody know a 
newbie who could try it with a fresh pair of eyes?

... unsustainable.  And that word means something -- it doesn't just 
mean "we don't like it".
--Michael Pollan

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